The WU-HRMS system was officially launched. with general user training, 1st generation

Associate Professor Dr. Varit Jawjit honored to preside over the user training session. Walailak University Human Resource Management System (WU-HRMS), Class 1 for employees Welfare and benefits module Time attendance and leave module and overtime performance modules on November 30, 2022, from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM, at the e-Testing Room 2, Computer Building. This is considered an official launch of the system before being activated in January 2023 with a total of 21 people participating in the training. Somporn Boonkietdechakul Head of Human Resources and Organization and Dr. Premruedee Nunsang, Director of The Center for Digital Technology honored to participate in the opening ceremony of the training as well

The Center for Digital Technology in collaboration with Human Resources and Organization Division Organized training on the use of Walailak University Human Resources Management System (WU-HRMS) both onsite and online through the Zoom Cloud Meeting program between 30 November 2022 to 20 December 2022, totaling 3 courses, 13 classes as follows:
Users of the employee group system, 3 modules, namely the welfare and benefits module Time attendance and leave module and 10 overtime performance modules
Administrator module for working time and leave record, amount 1 model
Administrator, recruitment and selection module, amount 2 models
The WU-HRMS system was developed in collaboration between Digital Technology Center human resources section and related agencies Since the fiscal year 2021, the scope of work has been defined, consisting of 15 subsystems (modules), including organizational structure management systems. power system recruitment and selection system filling and appointing system history registration system Salary and Remuneration System welfare system and support benefits Personnel development system, assessment system, career advancement system to record work time and leave salary increase system Performance system for academic staff Self-Service Information Management System Executive information service system and personal applications and currently has developed 4 complete systems, namely
(1) manpower system; (2) recruitment and selection system; (3) recruitment and appointment system; and (4) profile registration system and organized training this time for 3 systems to start using in January 2023