The importance of 5S Green

           The importance of the project. Rationale Walailak University is a government-run university. A self-management system, which is independent of the bureaucracy. It is a perfect campus that has developed into a campus environment in the form of a residential university and a community college. The University is aware of and emphasizes the importance of human development in terms of enhancing the performance of the workforce, while enhancing the happiness of all personnel in the organization. The goal is to become. “Happy High Performance Organization” Throughout the past 10 years, the University has committed to the development of the organization to drive the quality of life for the university staff through a variety of quality tools. For example, the Department of Health’s Healthy Workplace Assessment Tool The World Health In addition, there are 8 benefits of the Health Promotion Foundation. As a result, university personnel are more aware of their health care needs and are constantly improving their working environment.

        The 5S Green tool is another quality tool that is attractive and has the potential to enhance, enhance and enhance the quality. The 5S Green tool is a quality tool aimed at managing the workplace. Fundamentals of Performance Optimization To provide good working environment for employees to work in good health and good environment. All levels of staff are involved. Continuous operation Serious and thorough on the same standard. It is a culture and part of the routine. With such importance, the University aims to bring the 5S Green tools to be used in conjunction with other quality tools to enhance the culture of good work, happiness, fun, and quality of life. To achieve the goals of the university. “Happy High Performance Organization” in the future