Email for staff

E-mail Registration Guide for Walailak University Personnel

  1. Open a web browser and enter the URL
  2. Click on the Email Registration text
  3. Go to the Verify Identity for Personnel screen. The user must fill in the following fields:
  • Employee Code
  • 13 digit national identification card number
  • Set the same password on both lines, using the following principles for choosing a password:
    At least 8 characters long, including upper and lowercase letters and numbers.
  • When you have checked all the information, press the OK button
  1. When registration is successful, a screen will appear saying “Success! Internet is now available” and the registrant will be notified of their username. This means that the registrant can use the university’s email and electronic systems.
  2. When completing the steps in Section 4, the user still cannot use the university email. The user must check and approve from the administrator. In this step, wait approximately 24 hours before being able to use the university email.
  3. Test access to your university email by logging in at
  • Username field as displayed in section 4
  • Password field as specified in Section 3.
  • Press the Sign in or Enter button.

  1. When first logging in, there are 2 additional settings that the user must set:
  • Language or language used for displaying the results
  • Time zone or time zone, generally choose (UTC+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta)
  1. After completing the first setup, users can press the Save button and then use Walailak University Email. Users can test sending and receiving Email to check.